Tears were shed as the mother cat collapsed next to her baby’s body

Rot nuoc mat canh meo me nga guc ben xac con - Anh 1

Recently, Chinese public opinion is very upset with the animal abuse behavior of a pervert in Xi’an (China). This person used a knife to decapitate and disembowel two poor kittens, killing the cats. mother was suffering madly. The image of a mother cat collapsing next to her child’s body made many people cry.

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The heartbreaking story happened in the Thanh Kien Dai Vien area (Xi’an). One morning, residents of the neighborhood witnessed an extremely scary scene, a mother cat screaming next to the pitiful body of her child. Next to it are the bodies of two kittens who were brutally murdered.

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One kitten was left with only its head amputated, another had its abdomen cut open, its intestines flowing out. The mother cat, as if not believing the truth, still frantically licked all over her body, hoping that the kitten was just pretending and would wake up in a moment to play with her. (Source Sina).

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According to Ms. Duong, 68 years old, a long-time resident of the neighborhood. The morning of the tragedy, she discovered three stray cats and a cat under a chair on the other side of the street. Sympathetic, Mrs. Duong moved the cat and her mother to an abandoned shelter nearby, but was refused by a nearby household.

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Not receiving consent, Ms. Duong decided to build a small temporary shelter for the cat family, hoping that they would survive this difficult time and avoid the rain and wind. However, she did not expect that, just a few hours later, two kittens were brutally murdered.

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Around early afternoon, Ms. Duong returned to visit the stray cat’s mother and was stunned by the scene of the mother cat screaming in pain over her baby’s body and the kitten being intentionally killed as described. According to Ms. Duong, the injuries on the kitten’s body were caused by a knife. Surely a pervert had beheaded and disemboweled the kitten.

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Neighborhood residents were extremely sorry and upset with the pervert’s unethical behavior. Ms. Duong also reported to the police, but when she learned that the victims were two kittens, the police did not accept the complaint and did not go to the scene. After these images spread on social networks, the online community was extremely angry, constantly cursing the pervert who brutally killed the kitten and asked the authorities to soon punish the perpetrators. animal abuser and murderer.

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