Dramatic Showdown: Hungry Heron Battles Snake Over Fish

A photographer in India captured the unusual moment a heron and a snake fought in a lake over a fish dinner.

The determined bird managed to catch a fish from a lake in Telangana, India with its long beak and then tried to fish its lunch out of the water.

However, little did he know that a hungry snake already had the poor fish in its mouth and was not about to give up a meal without a fight. Lots of splashing was going to follow.
Hungry: The heron has seen his lunch splashing in the water and is about to use his long beak to catch it in one fell swoop.
This is a heavy fish! The heron gets more than he bargained for when he grabbed the fish the snake had apparently started eating… before it was pulled out of the water.
Seekers, keepers: the snake was determined to retain its food and sunk its fangs deep into the fish’s body for as long as it could.
A fierce tug-of-war ensued with neither side ready to release the prized catch. Amateur photographer Sunny Inaganti captured these stunning images in the southern Indian state of Telangana.
The long-legged bird seemed to be hungrier than its scaly enemy and here it is about to steal the snake’s food once and for all.
Get off: The heron held the fish in its beak and pulled until the snake had no choice but to give up its dinner and slither back into the water to find more food.
Finally: Proud of her achievement, the heron devoured her fish dinner on a nearby rock within sight of the photographer who captured the photos in astonishing detail.
Going: With the snake back in the water, the bird quickly took a bite of its food.
Missing: The remains of the fish are clearly visible languishing in the heron’s throat, but most importantly for the bird, it got a much-needed meal.
Gray herons can be found in temperate zones of Europe and Asia and also in parts of Africa. The species’ diet consists of fish, amphibians, small mammals, insects, and sometimes even snakes, which it catches in shallow water with its long beak.
This heron was brave in confronting the snake which could have been poisonous due to its location in South India where many poisonous snakes lurk. However, it is not clear what species it was from the photos. This heron doesn’t seem to like snakes, but if it did, the bird could have had two meals in one!

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