A Heartwarming Tale: Lost Kitten’s Journey to a Fairy Tale Ending

Tiny Kitten Seen on the Road Begging to Be Rescued Ends Up Having All Her Wishes Come True

A tiny, helpless kitten found on the street, hoping someone would come to her rescue, ended up having all of her dreams come true.

cute kitten eyes

Around two months ago, a compassionate individual noticed a small kitten struggling on the side of the street and decided to lend a helping hand. As soon as the kitten caught sight of her rescuer approaching, she let out a cry and slowly made her way towards them. According to Ellen Carozza LVT, VTS (CP-Feline), the feline specialist, “She was fortunate that someone spotted her and rushed to her aid. From the start, she displayed a gentle and affectionate demeanor, showing that she wanted to be saved.”

rescued kitten

Poppy, a distressed kitten, was found abandoned on the roadside in a sorry state – malnourished, infested with ticks, suffering from stomach issues, and with broken front legs. The ResQ, a local animal rescue, stepped in to provide urgent medical attention to the ailing kitten. Recognizing the severity of Poppy’s condition, they reached out to Ellen from the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation (CGMFF), known for their commitment to rescuing and caring for the most vulnerable kittens.

rescued kitten bath

Ellen Carozza found a cat named Poppy on the road with broken legs, although she wasn’t sure how the cat got there. Showing Poppy love and comfort, she immediately gave her a bath and created custom splints for her front legs. From that moment on, Poppy’s life was going to be filled with care and compassion under Ellen’s watchful eye.

rescued kitten

Poppy was given new splints for her front legs by Ellen Carozza. Inspired by the success of a similar treatment plan on another kitten with broken legs, Ellen and her team took care of Poppy with love and care. After a few days of tender loving care, Poppy gained weight and got her strength back. She enjoyed being brushed with a toothbrush and cuddled in a towel, eagerly looking forward to the day when she could play like a lively kitten once more.

kitten belly splints

Ellie Carozza didn’t mind wearing the splints at all. She would comfortably lounge on her back, proudly showing off her belly. After a week of treatment, the improvement in her leg healing was evident, and she was finally allowed to play with another kitten. Poppy’s charming personality captured the hearts of everyone she encountered, both human and feline.

poppy kitten splints friend

After recovering quickly, Ellen’s enthusiasm couldn’t be contained any longer, not even by her restraints. As another week passed, she made a bold decision to remove them herself, fed up with their restrictions. Poppy also displayed her cunning side by removing her braces once and pretending as though nothing had happened.

playful mischievous kitten

After having her braces removed, she nonchalantly dismissed the change and carried on with her day. Ellen observed Poppy confidently moving on all fours and even imitating a meerkat perfectly when questioned about her braces. Poppy’s recovery progress was evident in her newfound freedom and her exuberant expression of joy. With the restraints gone, her playful and mischievous nature resurfaced, showing her true personality.

kitten box pee pads

Ellen Carozza’s cat, Poppy, decided to make herself comfortable in a fresh box of pee pads, opting for it over her usual beds for a nap. As the little helper she is, she quickly hopped into the laundry basket filled with warm clothes. Poppy then showed off her acrobatic skills by scaling the heights of a cat tree and lounging on the highest platform, striking a pose with her belly up and toes pointed elegantly like a ballerina.

sleeping kitten cat tree

Ellie Carozza was overjoyed to see Poppy having fun, climbing, and just being a regular kitten. She was thrilled at Poppy’s successful recovery and how she was now thriving. Poppy’s dream of a forever home with a loving family and fellow feline companions was fulfilled when she found the perfect family who had been eagerly waiting for her.

snuggly kitten cute

Ellen Carozza, during Poppy’s healing process, a previous adopter was looking for a companion for her cat, Finnegan (a CGMFF graduate). Enthralled by Poppy’s charming personality and brave demeanor, she believed Poppy would be a wonderful new member of their household.

sleeping happy kitten laundry

Poppy used to be a little mischievous helper with the laundry, but now she has transformed into a lively and spirited young cat who embraces life with vigor. She now happily resides with her adoring family in their dream home.

sweet kitten cat

Remember to share with your friends the amazing work of Ellen Carozza in animal rescue! You can follow more of her heartwarming stories on Instagram and Facebook. And for even more adorable cuteness, be sure to visit the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation on Facebook.

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