“The Great Mermaid” Beneath the Ocean

(TSVN) – Symphysodon (Discus fish), commonly known in English as Discus, belongs to the Tilapia family Cichlidae (tilapia is a family of fish with many beautiful species). The Chinese call discus fish the "Five-Colored Fairy" and consider it the "Nhat Dai My Ngu", the most beautiful fish among fish raised for ornamental purposes.

See the strangest sea creatures in the world

(TSVN) – Like the flowers of the ocean, Siphonophorae bring a strange beauty to those who admire them. This creature has a long, thin, transparent body. However, some other species of Siphonophorae that live in deep, dark waters are often orange or red in color.

Glass squid sparkle on the ocean floor

(TSVN) – Glass squid is one of 7 strange but strangely beautiful creatures that live in deep ocean waters from about 200 – 1,500 m, where darkness almost covers everything. In the darkness of the ocean floor, the sparkling light of this squid attracts many explorers and divers when they accidentally encounter them.

Calls for Help from the Ocean

(TSVN) – The Ocean Photography Contest is a celebration of our beautiful blue planet, as well as a platform to highlight the difficulties it is facing. Below are the winning and highly appreciated photos in the Conservation category of the 2021 Ocean Photography competition.

Harlequin Shrimp – The Coral Reef Assassin

(TSVN) – Discovered by scientists in 1852, Herlequin shrimp have attractive colors and attractive appearance. They are considered "killers" of starfish under coral reefs because of their ability to destroy prey. much larger than their bodies.

Red lionfish – The largest lionfish in the ocean

(TSVN) – With a size of up to 47 cm, the red lionfish is the largest lionfish in the ocean. Because it possesses beautiful alternating red and white stripes, this fish attracts many enemies to attack. However, the red lionfish has many external spines and venom to protect its body. Let's see their beauty under the ocean!

Mandarin Fish – The enchanting beauty of the ocean

(TSVN) – With its unique and unmistakable beauty, Pangasius fish have fascinated many ornamental fish lovers, however, they are considered a difficult ornamental fish to raise in saltwater environments.

The Hallucinatory Jellyfish Dominating the Ocean Dance Floor

(TSVN) – Scientists exploring the ocean floor have discovered a beautiful species of jellyfish and nicknamed it "illusion jellyfish" because of their magical shimmer.

8 incredibly beautiful sea creatures

(TSVN) – In the ocean world, there are countless beautiful creatures that not all of us have the opportunity to see directly. In this article, let's join Vietnam Fisheries to see 8 beautiful marine species and discover more about them!

11 beautiful creatures on the Great Barrier Reef

(TSVN) – Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is home to 1,500 species of fish, 6 different species of sea turtles, 30 species of whales and dolphins, and 400 types of coral. Below are 11 beautiful creatures among the countless creatures that live here.