Despite being pregnant, the dog sacrifices her life to save her owner.

The dog sacrifices his life in order to save the owner despite being pregnant. – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Although pregnant, the mother dog bravely fights to protect her owner despite the danger. Then when the venomous snake is defeated, it is also the time when the loyal pet takes its last breath.

Dogs are considered one of the most loyal pets compared to many other animals. Even more than an animal, a dog can be considered a “best friend” of man.

Many touching stories tell about the loyalty that this four-legged animal has for its owner. And the following sad story is one of the clear examples.

Dog sacrifices himself to save owner even though he is pregnant

Recently, on forums and social media sites, netizens are spreading touching stories about a brave mother dog. The incident happened at night, a king cobra broke into the owner’s house. Cobras are one of the most dangerous wild animals on the planet, the venom of this reptile can kill a victim in just a few seconds. Therefore, if there is no dog to watch the house, it is not known how the owner’s family in this story will meet the end.

The dog sacrifices his life in order to save the owner despite being pregnant. – AmazingUnitedState.Com

The dog sacrifices his life in order to save the owner despite being pregnant. – AmazingUnitedState.Com

At that time, the homeowner did not know that there was an “invasion” of strangers. Fortunately, there was a dog in the house and the poisonous snake was immediately discovered. Although constantly barking to alert the family, the dog’s owner was watching TV and simply thought that she was playing like usual, so he did not get up to check. When he went to see why the dog barked for so long today, the owner was “fired up” at the scene unfolding before his eyes: the pet was struggling, fighting with a cobra.

The owner regrets not coming out in time.

When he saw his pet was fighting, the owner immediately rushed to support, defeating the snake. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the owner had to witness a heartbreaking scene, the mother dog did not survive because of the snake’s venom. This loss means that the “living sprouts” in my belly also end up. Although pregnant, the mother dog still puts the safety of the host family first.

The dog sacrifices his life in order to save the owner despite being pregnant. – AmazingUnitedState.Com
The owner is heartbroken over the loss of his loyal animal.

She fought bravely to protect her master’s family even though she was “pregnant”. As for the owner, he only regrets being subjective and not discovering the matter sooner. He blamed himself, if he had gone out earlier, he could have saved the dog’s mother and daughter. “My whole family will remember her gratitude for the rest of my life.”

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