The elegant beauty and good meaning of the marigold flower

Marigold flower – Bright yellow color adorns life Marigold flower, also known as tho flower, wild sunflower, is a familiar flower in Vietnamese people’s lives. Bringing brilliant…

Sobbing at the fragile beauty, hidden deep meaning of yellow daffodils

Sobbing at the fragile beauty, hidden deep meaning of yellow daffodils In the cold weather of winter, when the tree branches are bare and the flowers are…

Orchids: The Noble and Charming Beauty of Nature

Orchids, symbols of elegance and sophistication, are one of the most beloved flowers in the world. With its beautiful beauty and diverse colors, from pure white, brilliant…

Hyacinth Flower: Passionate Flower Color In The Silent Night

Hyacinth, also known as Hyacinth, is a masterpiece of nature, shining brightly and fragrant every night. Dense clusters of flowers grow close together on upright stems, creating…

Foxglove Rose: Alluring and Mysterious Beauty

The Foxglove rose, also known as Digitalis, is one of nature’s most charming and mysterious flowers. The elongated, bell-shaped flowers grow in clusters along the upright stems,…

Narcissus: Pure and Noble Beauty

Narcissus – Symbol of elegance, luck and extraordinary vitality Narcissus, an elegant and graceful flower, has long been a symbol of good things in Vietnamese culture. Bringing…

Passionflower: Mystical Beauty and Peace

Passionflower – Simple beauty, hidden magical uses Passion flower, also known as passion flower, is a simple, rustic flower but contains elegant beauty and magical uses. This…

Iris: A Flower That Symbolizes Royal Nobility

Iris, also known as Iris, is one of the most elegant and captivating flowers in the natural world. With delicate, soft but proud petals, irises are like…

The Mysterious Green Color of the Tiger’s Claw Flower

Blue tiger claw flower, also known as blue butterfly flower, is a wonder of nature with mysterious and captivating beauty. The long, soft flower clusters hang down…

Bird of Paradise: Dreamy Bird Wings in Real Life

The bird of paradise flower, also known as the bird of paradise flower, is a masterpiece of nature with splendid and unique beauty. The name of the…