Giant Catfish Discovery: Record-Breaking Catch!

Nature amazes us every day and makes us make new discoveries. What happened in Mantua is something extraordinary. A man during his fishing manages to catch a very large specimen of catfish . From the measurements carried out, it appears to be the largest ever caught, surpassing the previous Guinness world record.

Found a giant specimen of catfish: the largest ever caught .SD - New Lifes

Characteristics of catfish and the maximum size achieved with this discovery

It happens in Italy , precisely in Mantua , in the waters of the Po river, where a young man named Alessandro Biancardi catches a big fish. We are talking about the catfish or black catfish or commonly known as the barb. It is a freshwater fish belonging to the Ictaluridae family .

Found a giant specimen of catfish: the largest ever caught .SD - New Lifes

The specimen reached dimensions of almost 3 meters , 285 cm to be precise. The previous record-breaking specimen measured 281 cm, so it exceeded it by 4 cm, thus setting a new world record. This discovery is the result of 23 years of research. The man publishes photos of the specimen on social media, on his Instagram profile ” alebiancardi_catfishing_madcat “. If there weren’t this photo and the posts on Instagram to testify it, someone might even think of a photomontage, but in front of the evidence it certainly cannot be denied. The man is really proud of his discovery and publishes several posts with the same content, proud of his excellent result.

Found a giant specimen of catfish: the largest ever caught .SD - New LifesFound a giant specimen of catfish: the largest ever caught .SD - New Lifes

He caught it in the Revere area and fought for 45 minutes to catch it. After all measurements were taken, the animal was released into the water and returned to its gentle river waters.

Found a giant specimen of catfish: the largest ever caught .SD - New Lifes


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