The dog climbed the tree to chase the cat and couldn’t figure out how to get down, so he had to call the rescue team!

A shepherd girl living in the US was so absorbed in chasing a cat that she finally climbed a tree and couldn’t get down, causing the “lotus” to think of a way to rescue it.

According to Sarah Thurton – her owner named Baby, the incident happened on December 15 last. Because she was busy chasing a cat, Baby climbed a tree without anyone noticing. When Sarah found out, both the dog and the cat were on the tree branch.

Not knowing how to bring Baby down, the owner had to fire the Lathrop Manteca Fire District in California to rescue his pet dog.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal
The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

“Dead. Last climbed up without knowing the way down. Where’s the lotus, hurry up.”

All because of the crime of playing, only worrying about chasing the cat, that the dog encountered a funny situation.
The rescue team brought the ladder to bring the big Baby to the ground. And the little cat calmly climbed down the tree by himself.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

Boss scared the lotus to death. I thought I had to hang on a tree and couldn’t get down. Luckily, some handsome lifeguards came to the rescue.
A member of the rescue team confirmed that both the dog and the cat were fine. The cat ran away. And Baby returned in the joy of the mistress. Hearing the name Baby is cute and lovely, but the naughty level of this dog really makes the owner upset. This successful boss rescue phase must have cost the lotus a good amount of money already.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

Although he has just committed a crime, the boss’s face is still very happy because everything has been taken care of, the boss just needs to enjoy it.

Naughty and gluttonous dog stole a sausage and climbed a ladder to steal eggs and was punished by the owner. However, he still did not apologize, and made a “challenging” face that made everyone laugh.

Dogs and cats raised in the house are like friends, helping us to feel happy and comfortable because we can talk and pet them. However, sometimes they are also extremely naughty, so destructive that the owner has to give up. Recently on social networks, a clip of the dog being tried by the owner for stealing sausages and his expression really caused a fever.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

The dog’s unapologetically smiling face is “hate”. Photo: Facebook CunCun

The dog was fined by the owner and let himself repent. Because this dog has a habit of stealing food, even though it has been discovered a few times before, it has all problems. This time, when he was stealing sausages, he was caught in the battle, so the new owner had to use a bit of force to be afraid and next time he did not dare to steal food anymore.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

Perhaps this punishment still doesn’t scare the dog. Photo: Facebook CunCun
However, the dog showed no remorse or sadness, fear, but also appeared “challenging”. Being fined but still smiling, turned his face away with the idea of “eating a hot dog without straining”. His expression makes everyone laugh because it’s so cute. Many people have left funny comments below the post.

-Looking at that face, he doesn’t feel any remorse, he’s blaming himself for overdoing it with only a sausage.

When it comes to super mischievous pets, there are many other faces with all sorts of mischief that give owners a headache. Some families also discovered two of their dogs climbing on the nest of eggs to steal eggs. A family with destructive pets like this is like having a hyperactive child, must be extremely careful.

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

Discovered two dogs climbing a ladder to steal eggs, so the owner immediately took pictures as evidence. Photo: Facebook Slandering pets

The dog ''Climbed the tree'' to chase the cat and did not know how to get down, so he had to ask the rescue team ! - Juligal

And her expression is like this, she probably knew she was about to be punished, so she looked apologetic. Photo: Facebook Slandering pets

It’s not just dogs that act naughty like that, even normal cute little cats are always nestled next to their owners, but a little carelessly they’ve bitten off the headphone cord. The cat even thought of a way to redeem himself by catching a snake to return it, perhaps because he looked at the snake like a headphone cord.

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